Lars H. Gulbrandsen

Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy
+47 97540217

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My main research interests are within the fields of global environmental politics, transnational environmental governance, climate and energy politics, and nature protection, land-use and forest governance. Current research areas include EU and Norwegian climate and energy politics, wind power, solar power and other renewables, and land-use, forest, and aquaculture politics in Norway. Much of my earlier work has examined the emergence, evolution and effects of nonstate governance and public-private governance interactions across economic sectors.


Academic background

  • Full professor competence (2013)
  • Ph.D., University of Oslo (2009, political science)
  • Cand.polit., University of Oslo (2001, political science)
  • M.Sc., London School of Economics (1998, organisational and social psychology)

Professional experience

  • Research Director, Climate and Energy (since 2019).
  • Deputy Director at FNI (since 2015).
  • Research Professor at FNI (since 2013), previously Senior Research Fellow (since 2005) and Research Fellow (since 2001) at FNI.
  • Director of the Global Environmental Governance program at FNI (2010-2016).
  • Research Fellow, Sustainability Science Program, Harvard Kennedy School, USA (2007).
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Global Environmental Politics.
  • Member of the Academic Advisory Council for Voluntary Sustainability Standards, United Nations (UNCTAD-UNFSS).
  • Member of the Board of the PLATON consortium (Platform for Open and Nationally Accessible Climate Policy Knowledge).
  • Staff representative in the Board of FNI (2006-2015)
  • Lecturer at the bachelor-level course International Environmental and Resource Management Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. 


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