Past events

September 2018
Åpent Hus på Polhøgda ('Open House')
11:00 am -  4:00 pm
Polhøgda, Fridtjof Nansens vei 17, Lysaker
Implications of a future international legally binding instrument for Arctic biodiversity governance
1:15 pm -  2:30 pm
New York, UN HQ
August 2018
Law and Governance of Marine and Plant Genetic Resources
11:00 am -  5:30 pm
November 2017
Seminar: Teknologirevolusjon, vekst og bærekraft
11:30 am -  1:30 pm
Fridtjof Nansens Institutt, Polhøgda
Community Seed Banks: Sharing Experiences from North and South
1:15 pm -  2:30 pm
Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD1, Kigali, Rwanda
October 2017
A Look at the SMTA from a Contract Law Perspective
1:15 pm -  2:30 pm
Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH4, Kigali, Rwanda
Farmers’ Rights: Highlights of the 2016 Global Consultation
1:15 pm -  2:30 pm
Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD1, Kigali, Rwanda
Arctic Circle: Blue Growth in the Arctic - High North series
4:25 pm -  5:55 pm
Ríma B, Ground Level, Harpa, Reykjavik
Arctic Circle: The future of Arctic fisheries
4:25 pm -  5:55 pm
Flói, Ground Level, Harpa, Reykjavik
Arctic Circle: Policy networks and Arctic governance - Science and business
1:00 pm -  2:00 pm
Háaloft, Eighth Level, Harpa, Reykjavik
Seminar: Plantemangfold, bønders rettigheter og Plantetraktaten
11:30 am -  4:00 pm
Fridtjof Nansens Institutt, Polhøgda
September 2017
Åpent Hus på Polhøgda ('Open House')
11:00 am -  4:00 pm
Polhøgda, Fridtjof Nansens vei 17, Lysaker
August 2017
ABS-implementering – hvor står vi og hvor går vi?
12:30 pm -  5:00 pm
FNI, Polhøgda
Arendalsuka: Kampen om fisken - Norges nye klimakonflikter
1:30 pm -  2:00 pm
Café Lindvedske, Arendal
Arendalsuka: Kjempenes klimaduell - tar EU eller Kina ledertrøya?
3:30 pm -  4:30 pm
Café Lindvedske hus, Arendal
June 2017
Climate Action in the American Political Ecosystem
2:00 pm -  4:00 pm
The Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Polhøgda)
May 2017
Klimalov og kvotehandel: Kan det virke sammen for grønn vekst i Norge?
8:00 am -  9:30 am
Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantzgate 7 (Møterom Galleriet)
Klimakvotene sprer seg – hva betyr det for Norge?
8:30 am -  12:30 pm
Litteraturhuset, Oslo (Wergelandssalen)
